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SimBaby is an advanced infant patient simulator for training in all aspects of infant care.

Normal & Difficult Airway

  • Airway opening acquired by head tilt, chin lift and jaw trust
  • Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
  • Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
  • Orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation
  • Sellick Maneuver
  • LMA insertion
  • Endotracheal tube insertion
  • Fiberoptic intubation
  • Gastric tube insertion
  • Variable lung compliance
  • Variable airway resistance
  • Tongue oedema
  • Laryngospasm
  • Pharyngeal swelling
  • Gastric distention


Pulmonary System

  • Spontaneous breathing with variable rate, depth and regularity
  • Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall
  • Normal and abnormal breath sounds €“ bilateral
  • Lung Sounds
  • Oxygen saturation
  • See-saw respiration
  • Retractions
  • Pneumothorax
  • Unilateral needle thoracentesis mid-clavicular


Cardiovascular System

  • CPR compressions generate pulses, blood pressure, and artifacts on ECG
  • Heart Sounds: Normal and abnormal
  • Blood pressure (BP) measured manually by auscultation of Korotkoff sounds
  • Pulses: Radial and brachial pulse and bilateral femoral pulses
  • Pulse strength variable with BP
  • Display of cardiac rhythms via 3-lead ECG monitoring
  • 12-lead dynamic ECG display
  • Live defibrillation, pacing, and cardioversion


Vascular Access

  • Venous access antecubital fossae, dorsum of the hand and long saphenous vein
  • Bilateral IO/IV insertion legs
  • IV bolus and infusion


Other Features

  • Interchangeable eyes with normal, constricted and blown (dilated) pupils
  • Fontanel can present as normal, or bulging
  • Torso motion
  • Vocal Sounds: Crying, content, coughing, and hiccup



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