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About Us

Dinwoodie Assessment and Simulation Hub (DASH) opened its doors to the first simulation course on 7th September 2016.

It is a state of the art department based at Wansbeck General Hospital that was transformed from a ward into flexible, realistic teaching environment with funding from the trust, Undergraduate Medical Education and charitable funds.

DASH aims to:

“Provide a simulated environment for teams and individuals to learn, develop

and be assessed in delivering high quality, safe, effective patient care”

mission statement

Dash is a fantastic resource that provides opportunities for multi-disciplinary education and training, it explores opportunities in which the centre can enhance staff and student learning in a simulated environment.

DASH hosts a variety of teaching opportunities; Undergraduate Medical School examinations and assessments; Multi-professional courses from basic clinical skills training days to high fidelity team scenarios and external bookings.

We are lucky to have a full time Manager and a full time Simulation Technician to help you design a course for your teams needs with help and support.

DASH is available for external room hire.