Premature Anne is a realistically proportioned 25-week preterm manikin developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Premature Anne is designed to facilitate the training of healthcare professionals in the initiation of proper care and resuscitation of preterm infants.
Premature Anne Task Trainer
Airway Features
- Anatomically accurate, realistic airway
- ET tube insertion
- Sellick Manoeuvre
- Positive Pressure Ventilation
- Right mainstem intubation
- Suctioning
- OG/NG tube insertion
Breathing Features
- Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall with mechanical ventilation
Breathing Complications
- Unilateral chest movement (right mainstem intubation) with mechanical ventilation
- Realistic Compressions
Vascular Access
- Patent, cuttable umbilicus with venous and arterial access for bolus or infusion
- Simulated blood flashback upon cannulation of umbilical vein
- Peripheral IV access (dry ports only)
- Auscultation of lung sounds during ventilation