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SimBaby Mark 2




SimBaby is a tetherless simulator designed to help healthcare providers effectively recognize and respond to critically ill pediatric patients. The SimBaby simulator represents a 9-month-old pediatric patient and provides a highly realistic manikin that meets specific learning objectives focusing on initial assessment and treatment.



Airway opening acquired by head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust
Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
Orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation
Sellick Maneuver
LMA insertion
Endotracheal tube insertion
Fiberoptic intubation
Gastric tube insertion
Variable lung compliance
Variable airway resistance
Tongue edema
Pharyngeal swelling
Decreased lung compliance
Right mainstem intubation
Gastric distention


Simulated Patient Monitor

Highly configurable patient monitor
Simulate several parameters including: ECG, SpO2, CO2, ABP, CVP, PAP, NIBP, TOF, and others
Multimedia capability: Radiology files, Media files, Lab results
Touch screen operation
Multi-level alarm


Pulmonary System

Spontaneous breathing with variable rate, depth and regularity
Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall
Normal and abnormal breath sounds €“ bilateral
Lung Sounds: Normal, course crackles, fine crackles, stridor, wheezes and rhonchi
Oxygen saturation
See-saw respiration
Unilateral chest movement
Unilateral breath sounds
Unilateral needle thoracentesis mid-clavicular
Unilateral chest tube insertion


Cardiovascular System

Extensive ECG library with rate from 20-360
CPR compressions generate palpable pulses, blood pressure waveform, and generate artifacts on ECG
Heart Sounds:Normal, systolic murmur, holosystolic murmur, diastolic murmur, continuous murmur and gallop
Blood pressure (BP) simulated on patient montior
Pulses: Unilateral brachial pulse and bilateral femoral pulses synchronized with ECG
Pulse strength variable with BP
Display of cardiac rhythms via 3-lead ECG monitoring
12-lead dynamic ECG display
Defibrillation and cardioversion using live shock with training pads – ShockLink


Vascular Access

Venous access antecubital fossae, dorsum of the hand and long saphenous vein
Bilateral IO/IV insertion legs
IV bolus and infusion
Simulated blood flashback upon venous cannulation


Software Features

Easy to operate software
Manual control over all parameters
Scenarios, including Trends and Handlers, can be pre-programmed by user or downloaded on SimStore
Web-camera recording
Review event log together with synchronized recording of patient monitor and in-room video


Other Features

Reactive eyes with pupillary response, normal, dilated, constricted
Fontanel can present as normal, or bulging
Torso motion
Vocal sounds: Crying, content, coughing, and hiccup
Capillary refill – Left hand and sternum



SimBaby Mark 2 Manual Download